How to find a wedding photographer…

Wedding Stories






Take Your Pick

The nature of my work means I have a birds-eye view of anything that could be remotely relevant to your upcoming wedding.

The best-kept-secrets.
The hidden gems.
The must-attend events.
The insider tips to make your wedding run smoothly.

This blog is designed to make your life easy and your wedding FABULOUS! 

The best-kept secrets 
and unscripted 
anecdotes of a 
Boston Wedding 

1.The best place to start is by identifying the style of wedding photography you like.

There is a lot of variety amongst wedding photographers, and we all capture weddings in a particular way. For instance I am a documentary style photographer – I tell a story by capturing both photojournalistic moments with artistically styled portraits. Discover your style by conducting an image search online or use creative social media sites to search styles of wedding photography.

2. Once you have discovered your style of photography, it is time to search for wedding photographers in your area.

The best place to start is by asking close friends and family who have recently been wed. They will know better than any search engine or website who you should consider. They will also have a full wedding gallery of photos to share with you.

3. Now that you have a few recommendations, you will need to narrow down your options.

Any professional photographer will have an online portfolio that can usually be found on their studio website. For example, you can view mine here: You can also get a lot of information about a photographer by pursuing the other pages throughout their website. Information such as their pricing, services, and work philosophy. You can even get a sense of their personality. Think about it this way: you want to invite a photographer to photograph your wedding that you could imagine inviting as a guest. This is someone you are going to spend a lot of time with at your wedding, after all.

4. Narrow it down to three, decide on a budget, and start reaching out to inquire about your wedding date.

When you reach out, usually by email or online contact form, you will want to let them know you wedding date and the venue if you have one already booked. It is best to have your venue booked so that the photographer can tell you their availability. It is disappointing to find the one only to find out later that they are booked for your date. So try to have that venue as close to locked down as possible. You can also ask about their pricing and services. Keep it simple because there will be a chance to meet if they are available.

5. Meet with more than one photographer, virtually or in person.

It is always my recommendation for new couples to interview multiple wedding photographers. You should be confident and comfortable with your photographer, and they should want to feel the same. The best way to know this is by meeting with them. I like to think that my couples hire me because they can’t wait to spend more time with me. Not every photographer will be the perfect match, and that is ok. There is the right photographer out there for everyone.

6. Tell your story, and get the details of how the photograher works.

This is where you get to share your needs, expectations, and vision. You should also be prepared to ask them questions, so make a list of what you want from your wedding photographer and what is important to you. You are the interviewer, and they are the interviewee. You can see more about what questions to ask a wedding photographer here: what questions should I ask a wedding photographer.

7. Choose your wedding photographer and book the day.

Once you have chosen the photographer you want to hire, let them know. You will not want to wait too long; otherwise, you day may be booked by another couple. Each photographer will have their own specific steps to lock down your date, so make sure you are clear about those steps and any due dates. Also, please be kind and let the other photographers know you have chosen someone else. Trust me, you will not hurt their feelings..

8. Sign the contract and pay your deposit.

Contracts are great. They protect you, the photographer, and forge a relationship of trust. Your contract should clearly define the services you will receive, the amount you will pay for the servies, any scheduled payment dates, and the terms and conditions. Please read your contract clearly. You do not want to accidentally lose your wedding photographer because you unintentionally voided the terms (such as missing a payment date or not returning a signed contract). Many photographers have very specific exclusions, so be very mindful of what they are and please take them seriously.