What to Wear for Maternity Photos + Tips for Your Outfit

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Maternity photos are an incredible way to document this special time in your life and your growing family. But, one of the most common questions I get as a maternity photographer is what to wear for maternity photos. 

With so many different options out there and a growing body that is changing day by day, it can sometimes be hard to decide what is going to be the perfect outfit for your session. Don’t worry though! I have got you covered. 

Let’s take a look at some of the best options when it comes to what to wear for maternity photos and some tips for your outfits to make sure you are looking your best in the photos.  

What to Wear for Maternity Photos 


Wraps are a great option when it comes to maternity photos and they give you so much flexibility and movement throughout the session. There are a few reasons why I love these so much. 

First, you can get them in so many different colors so regardless of the aesthetic that you are going for with your session, you will definitely be able to find one that matches. You also tend to have a bit of extra length to play around with which can help make your photos feel even more special and dramatic. 

The other reason that I love this option is that it is totally flexible and free. There aren’t really many parts that are super tight or constricting and you are able to move around as much as you want. 

This is especially helpful if you order it a bit in advance because the odds are your body is going to be changing day by day! 

A pregnant woman in an off-shoulder dress being embraced by her partner in a grassy outdoor setting.


Gowns are another great option for any maternity session. You can really choose how you want to go with this, if you want to have a super loose and flowy gown or if you want something a bit more fitted to really show off your belly. 

These are also a great option because it reduces the chances of your outfit bunching up or scrunching around your stomach. After all, that is what we want to highlight so gowns give you the perfect opportunity to do this while also being really comfortable. 

A pregnant woman in an off-shoulder dress sitting in a field of small white flowers, cradling her belly.

Eternity dresses

If you are looking for the perfect outfit to accentuate your baby bump, eternity dresses may be the perfect option. These dresses tend to be a bit more fitted on top and really show off your bump while still being super loose and flowy at the bottom. 

These are great if you want to be a bit more covered, but you also want to be able to show off your stomach. By just simply putting your hands under your belly, you’ll be able to really show off your baby and how far into this incredible journey you are.

A silhouette of a pregnant woman standing by a sheer curtain, highlighting her profile.

Two pieces

Now, if you are not feeling a dress but still want something flexible and comfortable, two piece outfits are definitely the way to go. With these, you’ll be able to customize them a bit and also decide how much of your body you want to show off. 

When it comes to these outfits, there are two different options you will have. The first is going to be a set that has a top and a bottom that completely covers your stomach. This allows you to stay covered, but can also prevent any awkward scrunching or wrinkling of the materials. 

The other option you have is a two piece set that shows off your stomach. With this, you’ll often find a top with a longer skirt that is going to sit right underneath your belly so you can really highlight your bump, but still feel completely covered and comfortable. 

A pregnant woman standing in profile near a window, wrapped in a light cloth, with her hand on her lower back.


If you are looking for a really unique option when it comes to what to wear for maternity photos, florals may just be what you are looking for. Instead of wearing traditional clothes, you can wear an outfit made out of flowers to really make your photos pop. 

This also gives you so much flexibility when it comes to the colors and vibe that you want. You can go the more traditional love route and use red roses or you can make it super colorful and vibrant and use a mix of flowers! 

A couple standing by a lake, with the man embracing the pregnant woman from behind, both looking into the distance.


Finally, headpieces are the perfect accessory for your maternity outfit. This is a really great way to take your outfit up a notch and make it really unique without feeling like you are adding a whole bunch of things on. 

These can be anything from traditional crowns to flower crowns or anything else that you can think of for your session. Because these are a bit smaller and less involved than the rest of your outfit, you can really let your creativity run when it comes to these and create something that really makes your photos pop! 

Tips for Maternity Outfits 

Now that you have some ideas for what to wear for maternity photos, let’s dive into a few tips to make sure you are looking your best for your session! 

Steam or Iron Your Clothes 

A man kissing a pregnant woman's cheek while holding her belly from behind, both standing outdoors.

First and foremost, you always want to make sure that you have steamed or ironed your clothes before the session. You could be taking the most incredible photos ever and have them look less than amazing because of a wrinkly outfit. 

While this may seem like a small detail, these wrinkles really can come out in the photos so be sure to take a couple of minutes to make sure your outfit is looking clean and pressed before the session. 

Use Lots of Safety Pins 

A couple sitting on a couch, with the man embracing the pregnant woman from behind, both looking out a window.

Safety pins are going to be your best friend when it comes to your maternity outfit. You know as well as I do that your body is changing day by day and something that fit you perfectly a week ago, may not fit at all now. 

These will also help with things like wraps and eternity dresses to make sure that all of the pieces are falling in the right place. So, whether you use them for the final touch ups or to make sure everything is fitting you perfectly, you definitely don’t want to leave these at home. 

Rentals Over Purchasing

An overhead view of a couple cuddling on a couch, with the pregnant woman resting her head on the man's shoulder.

I would highly suggest looking at rental outfits over purchasing a brand new one. Odds are this is an outfit that you are not going to wear very often if ever again. So, instead of spending all that money to wear it once (when we all know there are probably way more important things you need to be buying right now) look for rental companies to use. 

You are going to find so many different options to fit any style that you want and it is going to cost you less in the long run! 

If Anyone Else Comes, Make Sure They Compliment You 

A couple standing by a lake, with the woman kissing the man's cheek and the man holding her belly from behind.

At the end of the day, these photos are to show off you and the incredible journey that you are going on right now. If you do choose to have someone else in the photos with you, like your partner or maybe even your other kids, have them wear outfits that are more simple and that compliment you. 

We want to make sure that you are the shining star in the photos so outfits that are a bit more basic, but still match the overall look of the session are perfect! 

Bring a Spray Bottle for Last Minute Wrinkle Management 

A pregnant woman in an off-shoulder dress standing alone in a grassy outdoor setting, looking down and cradling her belly.

As much as we would love to say that after we iron or steam something it is not going to wrinkle again, odds are it may. So, a simple solution is to bring a spray bottle with some water in it to your session. 

You can use this to help get out any of those last minute wrinkles and make sure that you and anyone else in your photos are looking your best! 

If Purchasing, Consider Time of Year, Time for Delivery, Location, and Growing Belly

A couple sitting on the ground in a field of small white flowers, with the man resting his head on the pregnant woman's shoulder. ​​

If you are going to be purchasing your outfit, be sure to think about things like the time of year your session is in, how long it is going to take to get delivered and even your growing belly and how that is going to change. 

You definitely don’t want to wait until the very last minute to purchase your outfit, however, this is definitely one where it is not necessarily better to purchase it super early. Even though that may guarantee that it gets in on time, your body may change a lot after you get it. 

So, just be sure to keep an eye on delivery times, especially if you are planning your session during a busy season, and make sure you give yourself space for your belly to grow! 

Decide How Much of Your Body You’re Comfortable Showing 

A couple standing together during a vibrant sunset, with the man embracing the pregnant woman from behind and both looking into the distance.

Finally, you want to decide how much of your body you are comfortable showing. This really is a personal preference and there is no right or wrong answer here. But, this can help you decide what style of outfit you are looking for. 

For example, if you are comfortable showing off more of your body, something like a wrap or a two piece set may be perfect. But if you’re not, something like an eternity dress may be more up your alley. 

At the end of the day, you are the boss when it comes to what you want to show or not show so be sure to think about that first before making any outfit decisions! 

Final Thoughts on Maternity Outfits

So, hopefully, this helps you as you figure out what to wear for maternity photos. At the end of the day, you want to make sure that it is something that you are comfortable in and shows off that beautiful miracle growing in your belly! 

Now that you know what to wear, all you need is the perfect photographer to capture these memories for you. If you are still looking for that person, I’d love to chat! You can click here to check out my photography services or head over here to get in touch

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