9 Tips for Maternity Photos for the Best Session Possible

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Any new chapter for you or your family is a great time to consider professional photography. Pregnancy is no exception. As your little one’s arrival gets closer and closer, it’s important to commemorate this part of motherhood.

Maternity photography is a great way to document this brief, albeit profound experience. As a photographer and mother myself, I’ve had the chance to capture maternity photos for so many amazing couples and parents and it is such a great way to celebrate not only the arrival of your child but also everything that led up to it. 

So, if you are looking to have your own session before your baby makes their first appearance, here are some of my top tips for maternity photos to help you plan the perfect session!  

Tips for Maternity Photos 

Naturally Emphasize Your Baby with Your Poses 

Now, I know when it comes to professional photography in general, one of the first questions people have is poses. How do I pose? What am I supposed to do with my hands? 

Especially if it is one of your first times getting photos taken, you can feel a bit nervous about how to look your best. But, my best piece of advice for maternity photos is to be sure to naturally emphasize your baby with your poses. 

This doesn’t have to be anything crazy and you don’t need to feel like you have to stand or pose in a way you have never done before. Instead, find ways to naturally and effortlessly show off your bump while still feeling like you are comfortable. 

Rent or Buy Clothes Designed Specifically for Elegant or Glamorous Photos

If you can, I would definitely recommend renting or purchasing clothes designed specifically for creating elegant or glamorous photos to celebrate the beauty of this experience. 

While your first thought may be to grab your everyday maternity clothes (and there is definitely nothing wrong with being comfortable during this session!), finding even one or two pieces that are special that you love can really help to make this session memorable. 

Plus, once your baby comes, it is going to be all baby all the time so this is a great chance to treat yourself which we all know you deserve. 

If You Can, Get Professional Hair and Makeup

Speaking of treating yourself, getting your hair and makeup done for the session is another great way to make this day special and have you feeling your best. This is a great way to indulge a little bit and can help make you feel cared for. 

It’s almost like having a spa day where everything is centered around you and this incredible journey that you and your partner are taking together!

Talk with Your Photographer Beforehand About How Much You are Comfortable Exposing

When it comes to my tips for maternity photos, this is definitely an important one to take note of and make sure you talk about before the session. There is a really wide range when it comes to how much of your body you want to or feel comfortable exposing. 

Keep in mind that there is no right or wrong answer to this. These photos are for you and you want to make sure that you are totally comfortable throughout the entire session. So, regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, be sure to communicate that with your photographer so that you are both on the same page on the day of your photoshoot! 

Plan the Session Around 6-7 Months

Another question I get asked a lot is when to actually plan your session. In my experience, the 6 to 7-month mark is normally the best time to take maternity photos. There are a few reasons why this is a great time. 

First, by this time, you are most likely going to be showing pretty well so you are able to really emphasize your baby in the photos. It is also still early enough that you have a bit more energy and are a bit more comfortable on your feet than you would be at 8 or 9 months. 

You also want to make sure you aren’t scheduling it so close to your due date that you run into the potential for your baby to make their appearance before you get a chance to have your session. We all know babies work on their own time, so doing it a few months out is a great option! 

Think About Who You Want Involved

You also want to think about who you want to be involved in the photos themselves. After all, these photos are meant to show off the journey that you are going on with your baby and your family expanding. 

So, talk with your photographer and decide if you want to include other people in your session. For example, you may want to include your partner in the session so that you not only get some images with just you, but you also have some pictures of the both of you that you can look back on with your kids years down the road. 

If you already have other kids, you may also want to include them in parts of the session to really capture what your family looked like and how much it has grown over the years. 

Keep in mind, though, that there is no rule or requirement when it comes to these photos. If you want to have them be just you and your baby, that is amazing and you’ll be able to create memories that will last a lifetime. If you want to include anyone else, great! It really is up to you and what you want to get out of this session! 

Decide What Style/Environment You Want

Another common question you will most likely have is where to do your actual session. Is it better to do it in a studio or a different environment? Well, it really depends on the types of photos that you want to get and what you want the photos to look like. 

For example, if you are planning on exposing more of your body during the session, a studio or even your own home may be a better option. Alternatively, you can also pick a place that is significant to you to do the session. 

This could be your favorite place, somewhere you plan on bringing your baby often, or even the first place where you met your partner to create a full-circle moment. It really depends on what your vision for your session actually is. 

I will say, however, that it is a great idea to make sure you do not have to walk so much that you are going to get uncomfortable or pick a spot where there is nowhere for you to rest. You’d be surprised at how tiring and photoshoot can feel so you want to make sure there are places you can take a break!

Embrace Your Body

One of the best pieces of advice that I can give you is to embrace the beauty of your body during this time. It truly is a marvel what you are doing and you might miss it once your baby does arrive. 

So, take this time to really just soak everything up. Really embrace the journey that you are on, how far you have come, and the exciting road ahead of you. What you are doing is amazing! You are literally growing another human inside of you and that is something that should definitely be celebrated! 

Bring Snacks and Water

Finally, please make sure you are bringing snacks and water to the session. Even if it only seems like it is a few hours, you want to make sure that you have something that you can grab if you need a little pick me up. 

Also, be totally transparent with your photographer. If you are in the middle of the session and really just need to take a couple of minutes to drink some water or take a few bites of your snack, please just do it. Your safety and comfort is always going to be what is most important and we can also come back to that same pose or the same area after you have finished! 

Final Thoughts on Maternity Photos

So, hopefully, these tips help you as you start to plan your maternity photos. This truly is such a special time for you and your growing family and it is something that should be cherished. Whether you want to go all out or keep it a bit more simple, you won’t want to miss out on capturing these moments! 

And, if you are still looking for the perfect photographer to capture these moments with you, I’d love to chat! You can click the link here to learn more about my portrait photography services, or you can head over here to get in touch and start planning out your own session!